The Archive

August-September 2002

It depicted simply an enormous face, more than a meter wide: the face of a man of about forty-five, with a heavy black mustache and ruggedly handsome features.

What's New
My Personal Life

What's New

It's All Brent's Fault


After nearly seven months (Did I not have time, or did I just not care? If you have to ask, you're an idiot.), Brent finally managed to motivate me to update. Why? One compound word: KateStory.

Don't know what KateStory is? Just jump right in; it's easier than explaining. As for the archives, I culled, compiled, edited, and formatted the first eight books from the Prodigy boards some years ago. There have been three books since, but I've been derelict in my duties as KateStory custodian, mainly due to the heartbreaking fact that I lost most of Book IX in a hard drive crash. (One of these days, I will break out that 512MB fucker and see if I can salvage anything with Norton.)

However, with Brent's start of Book XII on the Pyoko boards, I finally bit the bullet and spent my Thursday getting what I have of IX, X, and XI ready for viewing. This time, I haven't even bothered to do any editing, nor any formatting beyond simple legibility. Book XI was easy as it was on my late, lamented BBS and all I had to do was export it, but IX and X took awhile longer, mainly because I decided, out of a simple sense of decency, to delete all the E-Mail addresses in them. This was almost certainly pointless, as virtually none of those E-Mails is any good anymore anyway, but it made me feel better. Also, I cut my old sig out of all of them, which should probably make for great rejoicing. I'll save the editing and reformatting for another day; in the meantime, enjoy all the arguments on the spelling of Inigo Montoya's name, spelling and grammatical errors, and other pointlessness exactly as they were originally posted. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

Now, at last, the KateStory is available in more or less complete form. Now you need no longer settle for embarrassing things I wrote in elementary school and junior high; you will also be privy to embarrassing things I wrote in high school and college.

Aside from the new availability of these wonderful literary gems, I've redesigned the contents bar, made the typical archive-pagely changes to the Top (this idea came to me some six months ago when Nintendo was giving shit for selling Flash Advance's a little outdated now, but hey, just in time for the release of Mario Sunshine), updated Life, and added the February '02 Archive.

And my E-Mail link is gone. We're cancelling Prodigy and I've decided not to put my new addresses on a public site. If you're reasonably intelligent, you shouldn't have any trouble figuring out how to contact me.

There are also a couple Easter Eggs of updates which I won't mention here. See if you can find them; it's really not hard.

Also Brent's Fault


Minimal update, mainly to take the "In Progress" comment off the KateStory XII link, since it isn't. Sooner or later I'll probably reformat it and put it up here, but in the meantime, you can still see it on the boards.

A few new image links in the contents bar; nothing special. Also updated Life.

(okay, technically the 24th)
Whose Fault? Well, Funny You Should Ask...




Brent talked me into putting my BBS back up. You can now connect at Corresponding updates to my BBS page and the quick-and-dirty connection guide.

The bad news: I'm getting runtime errors getting certain programs to run, and, quite upsettingly, one of these is Usurper. I'm looking for a fix.



Fixed Usurper. And now I am going to bed.

My Personal Life



Games: Arc the Lad II.

Books: The Once and Future King. Disney left out the commie ants and the falcon quoting Macbeth.



Games: WarCraft III.

Books: Kevin "Tom Servo" Murphy's A Year At the Movies.

Created 02.09.18
Uploaded 03.10.22
Last Updated 04.04.05